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How to deliver Omni-Channel fitness classes

Setting your activities to be delivered both in person and via live stream at the same time

Updated over a week ago

Setting up your activities

Separating activities

Once on your 'Activities' page, the first thing you’ll need to separate each activity into an ‘Online/Live stream’ class and an ‘In person/physical attendance’ class.

Note: If your activity runs at a different location, like your local park, you'll need to create a new location - you can send the details of this over to the team and we'll get this live for you ASAP

Next to the activity you’d like to run via both physical and live stream, click ‘Copy’ to create a duplicate you'll see labelled (copy).

Hit 'Edit' on each activity to update the activity name to reflect whether this is online or in-person.

Live stream class setup

This should already be set up for live streaming, but check out our live streaming setup guide here for a reminder.

Remember, if you have a different live stream URL for each class, you can add this in on the ‘Classes’ section of your portal by copying and pasting the link and then clicking ‘Update live stream’.

Physical attendance class setup

Click ‘Edit’ next to your physical class

Most of the activity information should already be complete (title, description, timeslot), but you’ll need to re-upload your image and make sure this is set to ‘Physical Attendance Only’ in the drop down menu. No live stream URL is needed if this activity is physical.

You can also update your pricing to reflect that this is a physical activity

Don't forget to update your booking method - if your activity is set to auto accept, you’ll need to have this amended so that the system only accepts a certain number of bookings before they’ll need to be approved/declined

And that's it - you're now set up for omni-channel delivery!

Check out our top technical tips on delivering classes in this way to make sure you're giving your Movers the best experience possible.

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