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Scheduling meetings on Zoom

Getting your live stream meetings set up is quick and easy!

Updated over a week ago

There are a few different ways to schedule meetings on Zoom. We recommend using the automated Zoom integration which looks at your Move timetable and creates live stream URLs automatically, doing all the admin work for you! Check out our article on getting this set up

If you choose not to use the Zoom integration and you want to schedule your meetings manually, there are a few different options - we recommend downloading the Zoom desktop/mobile application for best results.

Schedule a single meeting

You can schedule a single one-off meeting that will expire once the meeting has run, and this will have a single-use live stream URL. To schedule a single meeting, go to Meetings, click on the + sign and select Schedule Meeting.

Fill out the meeting name (topic), the date, time and duration, and the meeting settings: we recommend having the Meeting ID generated automatically, a Passcode set with Waiting Room on, Video for both the Host and Participants On, Audio set to both Telephone and Computer. You can enable other options in the 'Advanced Options' section, but these are optional.

Once you've finished, Save the meeting, and then you can view it in your scheduled meetings section to grab the live stream URL to copy and paste in the 'Classes' section of your portal.


Schedule a recurring meeting

You can schedule a recurring meeting that will exist to be used again and again - this might be useful if you want to have a specific meeting link for each class. To schedule a recurring meeting, go to Meetings, click on the + sign and select Schedule Meeting.

Fill out the meeting name (topic) and tick 'Recurring meeting', and then select your meeting settings: we recommend having the Meeting ID generated automatically, a Passcode set with Waiting Room on, Video for both the Host and Participants On, Audio set to both Telephone and Computer. You can enable other options in the 'Advanced Options' section, but these are optional.

Once you've finished, Save the meeting, and then you can view it in your scheduled meetings section to grab the live stream URL to copy and paste in the 'Classes' section of your portal.


Using your Personal Meeting ID

Your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) is similar to an email address in that it never changes, and starting a meeting with your PMI couldn't be simpler: just click the 'New Meeting' button and ensure that it is set to start with your PMI.

To find your PMI live stream URL, click Meetings, then your Personal Meeting, then show meeting invitation, and then you can highlight the meeting URL to copy and paste into your Move activity.


Updating your live stream URLs on the Move platform

If at all possible, using the Zoom integration offers the most streamlined experience, but if you do decide to schedule meetings manually, you'll need to ensure you've updated your live stream URL so that when your movers check in to their class they have the link ready to go. Check out our article for information on updating your live stream URL.

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