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How to Launch Your New Live Stream System
Updated over a week ago

Once your business is live, here's a plan for how to launch it, start receiving bookings and payments, and manage your live streams through Move.

So, now that you can manage all of your live stream activities in one place, your new business profile page on Move will now be the place for you to accept your bookings and receive your payments - the only thing in the way is telling your customers to start using it.

Your Launch Plan

Here's the steps that you'll be taking to launch your new system.

Step 1: Check your new business page

Check that your timetable is correct and all of your activities and images are looking great!

Step 2: Invite your customers

Ask your customers to start booking through your new slick system and leave you good reviews to make your page look the best it can.

Step 3: Promote your page on social media

Use social media to engage as many people as you can from all across the country!

Step 1: Check your new business page is ready

1. Log into your Move Partner Portal using the business ID and PIN supplied to you by the team

2. Select 'Use reception' on the venue that you'd like to share

3. This will open your unique location Partner Portal. Look for the banner with the button that says 'View my page' as shown below.

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4. To edit any existing activities, select 'Activities' in the menu above, scroll down for the activity you'd like to make some changes to and click "Edit".

Once you're happy that your business page is looking great, you're ready for Step 2!

Your unique page address

Your unique page URL will look something like

(xxxxx is your unique venue ID)

Step 2: Invite your existing customers

No doubt you want to know what your customers will experience when you invite them to book through your new page.. so voila! Here's a guide on what they'll experience.

Inviting active members

You'll need to let your current active customers know that you are changing the way you manage your bookings and you'll need their help to do so, but that it's super simple. Popping them a quick message explaining your new booking system will do the trick and make everything much easier for you looking forward!

You can send them a message a little like this:

Example launch email:

"Hi there,

I want to make your experience as slick as possible, so I've just launched a new live streaming solution for you to book and pay for my classes. After this week I'll be accepting all bookings and payments through my new site here:

[Insert link to your new page]

If you have any questions then let me know and I hope to see you LIVE in a class soon!

[Your name and business name]"

Tip: Give your customers a short window to make this change to ensure that it happens smoothly and avoids you overlapping the old method with the new.

Inactive customers

Now that you have a great new page displaying all your activities, teamed with a seamless way to book and pay for them, you can take the opportunity to re-engage many of your inactive customers. Why not send out a similar email inviting them to book into your activities too?


After a customer has booked an activity through your page, they will be able to leave you a review. Don't forget to ask them to leave you a great review if they've enjoyed the class! Your regulars are your top promoters and will quickly help make your pages look popular, attracting new clients!

The most successful instructors on Move have more than 10 reviews on their activities as it helps give the viewer trust that it's a genuine score.

Step 3: Promote your business on social media

Live Streaming has given us the ability to be in living rooms all over the country, now is the time to reach out to those hundreds of miles away from you by promoting your new business page on social media.

Here are some examples of posts to launch and promote your new business page and booking platform!

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